الجمعة، 11 فبراير 2011





Love defined is something out of reach.
Don't ask me then: I've yet to learn for sure.
It's not the way I treat you when I'm tired.
It's not the way my eyes are on myself.
It's not the way I smile and meet your eyes
Then refuse to see your heart, your fear as well.
It's never how I hold your sins in store
To use to break your heart when I'm upset.
It's not the way I envy your success,
Nor how I boast to make you like me more;
Nor does love explain why I don't trust you.
It's not my wandering eyes or pleading charm.
It's not possessive, lustful or unkind.
Perhaps then, love is hope that I can trust you;
Perhaps it is endurance through the fear.
Perhaps it is belief that you are worthy;
Perhaps there's no condition, then, for love.
Love is to give one's all. It never fails.
It goes beyond the shame or selfish gain.
I want to know that love, but I am learning.
It's yet above my reach,but give it time.
I'll take the chance to learn if you allow
If you'll accept this foolish heart for now.

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